the city of your dreams cappadocia

Airports Transportation

Cappadocia Airport - Avanos Transportation

There is a distance of 35 km between Cappadocia Airport and Avanos. This distance takes about 45 minutes when you come by car. The distance between Nevşehir center and Avanos is 17 km and you reach the region with a 20-minute journey. Minibuses depart from Avanos to the center of Nevşehir or if you do not care that it is costly, it is possible to reach the center by taxi.

Cappadocia Airport - Uçhisar Transportation

Uçhisar is located on Nevşehir - Göreme Road and is the very center of the Cappadocia triangle. The distance between the airport and Uçhisar is approximately 35 km, and it takes 35 minutes to travel by car. When you get off the plane and come to Nevşehir Center, you have 7 km to Uçhisar. This distance is covered in 12 minutes. You can get service from minibuses and taxis.

Cappadocia Airport - Urgup Transportation

The distance between Cappadocia Airport and Ürgüp is 49 km and takes about 1 hour by car. It is possible to reach Ürgüp, the most vibrant district of Cappadocia, with the services of Turkish Airlines and Anadolu Jet. Minibuses and taxis that you can take from Nevşehir center are other alternatives.